French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,947 questions • 30,077 answers • 864,468 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,947 questions • 30,077 answers • 864,468 learners
What is the difference between le(COD) and y ?
Hi, why is “Se casser la main” “To break one's arm” when main = hand, and bras = arm? Is this an example of a non-literal phrase?
This is WAY too challenging for me at this point. A complete fail for me. How about making this a little more simple? Or maybe I’m just too ........
This was a multiple choice question. The correct answer was given as "Tu leur rappelles de faire leur lit." Why isn't it "Tu leur rappelles de faire leurs lits." ?
I understand that avant que requires the subjunctive. Given that the first part of the sentence is in the pluperfect, why is the present subjunctive used rather than past subjunctive? His arrival is in the past, just not as far in the past as the homework.
Please could please explain to me more on how ''en'' is used to replace plural items
Hello ,
How do you say: "I took and my passed my exams"
The link to the right of play for the completed exercise says ‘all related grammar and vocab.’ When I follow it, I do see all the grammar topics covered. I do not see a list of vocabulary for the exercise though. No problem to look up unfamiliar words, but it might be nice to just make a list since it’s on the link. I didn’t know the work echelle in this exercise. Thank you!
Can I say "téléphonons -lui"? If not, why? I thought the l'imperatif can be used for the 1re pers au pluriel ( aka nous )? I googled it but I couldn'
What do we add before the noun of the day? For example, Je travaille le lundi/ en lundi/ à lundi?
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