French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,002 questions • 30,293 answers • 875,174 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,002 questions • 30,293 answers • 875,174 learners
In Le Seigneur des Anneaux , Galadriel says « Et l'Anneau de pouvoir a eu sa volonté propre ». From the context it is exceedingly clear that she means “ And the Ring of Power had its own will.”
Was this a bad translation pour the French version of the film, or can one use propre in this way if the context is clear?
Is it correct that "du" in this very specific case is contracted to " d' " in front of a vowel, rather than the regular "d l' "?
Bonjour tout le monde,
Je me demande ce que "Tel est pris qui croyait prendre" veut dire, quelqu'un pourrait m'aider ?
Merci bien !
Hi... can you please give me the correct way :
C'est la ville et le village de mes ancêtres , OR
Ce sont la ville et le village de mes ancêtres
...and why... thank you in advance :)
I am the first to admit my listening skills aren't great, but I was wondering if anyone else can actually hear the word "même" in this phrase in this exercise? I do struggle to pick up all the words sometimes, but I've replayed this a dozen times and can't discern it at all - is it just me or has it been omitted on the audio file?)
When is the past subjunctive used in the 'by the time...", if ever.
Hi can you pls explain how to use " on ose à peine dire/ énoncer"
Before anyone answers I think I can see it now. Is it the use of 'pouvoir' that makes the translation 'could' while 'avoir' gives more the sense of 'should'?
Paul should have left earlier is given as 'Paul aurait du partir plus tot'.
I could have learnt to swim is given as 'J'aurais pu apprendre a nager'
These are exactly the same constructions, therefore they can not both be correct.
(Apologies for the absence of diacritic marks)
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