French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,925 questions • 30,024 answers • 862,460 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,925 questions • 30,024 answers • 862,460 learners
In the short quiz, the sentence was 'Nous craignons qu'il ne change d'avis". The correct answer given was : 'We fear that he would change his mind'. Because of the 'ne', should the answer be " We fear that he would NOT change his mind? I also want to know whether 'change d'avis' is an expression? Thanks.
The hint says "Literally: to take a nap is my favourite...", but it is *faire* la sieste, not prendre.
It would be great to see these all used in sentences to show the relation!!
The translation was " Where I hope" why couldn't i say " Où j'espère" ?
The answer "où avec un peu de chance" translates more like "where with a bit of luck".
In this exercise, we see "Peut-etre qu'ils". Why do we need "que"? Why not just "Peut-etre ils"?
I don’t get why “her” is sometimes elle and sometimes lui. Can someone explain.
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