French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,917 questions • 30,007 answers • 861,297 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,917 questions • 30,007 answers • 861,297 learners
Hi there,
I just did one test and I got a half score because I dropped an accent from an upper case É. I learnt that you don't put accents on upper case letters somewhere before. What is the correct way?
I answered ‘il faut que tu fasses ton lit ‘ which was marked incorrect. Just wondering why ? Thanks
I have been using kwiziq for several months already. But I seem to be eternally stuck at level A1. Is this really my true level? Does it not update according to how many lessons, kwizzes or tests I have taken?
"Ses parents..." is translated as "Their parents..." in one of the examples above. It should be His/her parents i think.
I enjoyed this writing exercise but it could have been better if there were links to the necessary vocabulary. For example the "right size" was difficult to find just using a dictionary to look up words individually and I could not even find a word for sneakers!!
Would you pls explain the differences and nuances of the use of il faut que +subjunctive and devour + the infinitive. When is it better to use one vs the other?
can you say: c'est nageaux, to say it's cloudy, or can only use il y des nuages?
Perhaps change the title to ‘Avoir l’habitude de’.
The English translation of the above example should be “there were a hundred or so people that day” , not was a hundred. The total number of people overrides the fact that they are one hundred.
Is the l' before on something Kwizig students have studied up to or including B2? If yes please cite the lesson.
If not yet studied, please provide a grammar explanation. Thank you.
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