French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,002 questions • 30,293 answers • 875,174 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,002 questions • 30,293 answers • 875,174 learners
Bonjour - i'm confused as to why this is tierce instead of troisième. The lesson stated that tierce is used for fractions or portions and troisième is used for rank or order. A third party witness sounds like a ranking/ordering to me, and not a fraction or portion.
Would appreciate clarification.
The following sentence is given as an example in a dictionary explanation for "le lendemain".
"Il a été décrété que le lendemain serait un jour férié".
Is this sentence grammatically incorrect because it uses the conjugated verb serait after le lendemain?
I have celebrated Hanoucca with my family and friends for many years. We never have a Hanoucca bush! This is a symbol that is related to Christmas and has nothing to do with Hanukah. Please correct this, it is misleading and upsetting for people to think that we decorate a bush.
Thank you for your wonderful website and weekly exercises.
Norma Zippin
We are told that partitive articles become de or d' in negative tenses. Yet in Aurélie's Chrismas quiz 'il ne veut que de la bûche' is given as a correct answer.
Please explain.
“Je vais y aller avec toi.” Instead of (my version) “J’y vais aller avec toi.”
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