French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,019 questions • 30,333 answers • 877,594 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,019 questions • 30,333 answers • 877,594 learners
If I remind you of your nanny is 'Je vous rappelle votre nounou.' What is 'I remind your nanny of you'? Is it 'Je rappelle vous à votre nounou' but I don't think this is correct!
I know it must be my ear, but, having listened to it over and over, it seems the speaker says "mais cera n'est pas obligatoire."
So how do we use " dans" "en" "à" like they got the same meaning so I'm very confused
In the following sentence why is him the word lui and not le? I thought lui was usually used only with verbs that could be associated with à. The example: “ “It’s necessary that I find him an original gift.”
according to another app I’m using the correct answer is: “ il faut que je lui trouve un cadeau original” and not “il faut que je le trouve un cadeau original” I’m confused with this.
Can I ask about the following sentence: "Now, remember that at the time" —> Maintenant, rappelez-vous qu'à l'époque"
In the English sentence "Now," functions as a filler, rather than meaning literally "at the moment" - you could as easily say "Well," or "So," without changing the sense of the narrative. I was expecting "donc" or "alors" and wonder if it’s common to use "maintenant’ like this?
This sentence has a question mark, but it got marked as wrong. In the text above, the sentence ends with a period.
the dog owners who don't pick up their excrement?
Bonjour et merci pour ce beaux exercise. Deux petits comments: En anglais vous avez ecrit "choose", qui et le present; vous voulez surement "chose", qui et le passe simple. :) Et une librarie et une bibliotheque ne sont pas la meme chose, oui? Merci ! Pardon le manque des accents.
I'm having a terrible time with pronunciation of these verbs. Google translate doesn't pick it up well even when I play clips of the native speakers. Any suggestions?
C’est la voix de Édith Piaf ce qui donne l’intensité aux mots de L’Hymne à L’Amour.
Elle chante comme si son cœur se brisait. Je ressens sa douleur, son bonheur perdu,
et l'espoir que Dieu vraiment “réunit ceux qui s’aiment.” Je me demande si aujourd’hui les français ont une telle foi en Dieu
Hi, in the line
“Second, express your deepest feelings.”
for which the answer is
“Deuxièmement, exprimez vos plus profonds sentiments.”
Should this be “Deuxième”. Same point for Troisièmement & Quatrièmement.
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