French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,020 questions • 30,327 answers • 877,220 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,020 questions • 30,327 answers • 877,220 learners
Combien ça coute Is Also valid?
I really enjoyed this article. Yes, it’s chestnut harvest time, but alas the very hot and dry summer here in south west France has resulted in smaller fruits. However, I have managed to harvest some nice horse chestnuts from a tree tucked away behind a nearby cemetery. I also learned this year to add a fig leaf to the cooking liqueur at it enhances the flavour. I sous-vide the peeled fruits and freeze them in preparation for Christmas when I add to a meat based stuffing for stuffing the turkey neck cavity.
Can we say Avons-nous to mean "Have we" rather that "Est-ce'qu on a " ?
He must not lose his keys. Are both the following acceptable? il faut qu'il ne perde pas ses clés? et il ne faut pas qu'il perde ses clés?
Could "du coin" substitute for "local" in the context of a local newspaper?
Why is the superlative in the plural, when the subject is singular?
I found this sentence on wordreference when I checked the word profondeur:
Ce gouffre a trente mètres de profondeur.
Is it correct??
I always understood "le conditionnel présent" to mean "could," but here you're indicating that it means "would," which has a completely different meaning. Is that just true with "aller" or how do you tell when it's could or would?
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