French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,018 questions • 30,320 answers • 877,049 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,018 questions • 30,320 answers • 877,049 learners
Vais sounds an awful lot like veut to me.
On peut aussi dire "du pont Saint-Martin"? Quand est-ce qu'on utilise "depuis" (from)? Ce sont des synonymes?
As "cousines" is plural, is there a reason for saying leur instead of leurs?
Perhaps I have misunderstood the rule.
I understand that the preposition here has to be en but I can't really get to the bottom of why. Chris has said in this discussion that the form is 's'inscrire en qqch...' but I don't really see this supported by dictionaries where à and dans seem more commonly cited. Is it that the preposition comes before the word quoi ?
I met this sentence: Tu y vas samedi? - J'y vais tous les samedis.
Could it also be: J'y vais le samedi?
Merci d'avance
"Halloween" est une fete americaine (meme si certains commencent a` l'adopter dans des endroits comme Paris ou` bcp d'americains vivent. Ca serait interessant de citer les fetes traditionnelles d'automne en France/ses regions ou les fetes dans des pays francophones, n'est-ce pas? Merci.
Et toi, saliva tu___a la biblioteque, nest-ce pas?
Ce soir, nous___ au cinema pour regarded un documentaries.
Annette et ses amis___au gymnastics pour s'etrainer.
Moi et mon frere, nous____a la maisonette pour diner avec nose parents.
Ou est-ce que vous___ce soir?
Est-ce que tu aimes___au centre commercial pour faire du shopping?
Hassan et son frere_____a la Mason de leur grand-mere pour fever son anniversiaire.
Admittedly, I'm more used to Québécois French, but the recording contains what has to be one of the oddest pronunciations of "ben" I have heard. I expect it to rhyme with "hein" or "en", but I swear the recording is closer to "bamme" than anything else.
Am I missing something, or has my ear glitched? Please let me know.
Thank you for making this available! This is a fantastic resource!
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