French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,011 questions • 30,317 answers • 876,576 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,011 questions • 30,317 answers • 876,576 learners
My mind gets quite confused by combining the past with the present (subjunctive) in one sentence. This is more a question about the subjunctive mode than about rentrer, but could you explain in which situations you use le passe of the subjunctive? If this sentence used parce que, rather than avant que, what tense would you use? (something like "Mathilde a rentre la voiture parce qu'il allait pleuvoir"? - sorry, no accents; if this structure exists, I wouldn't know what the tense is called!)
Thanks in advance for your clarification!
Bonjour — do you not use the liaison after “vais”? Is it optional or forbidden? Merci.
Is splitting the bill a common occurrence in french restaurants?
Pourriez-vous me dire ??????
Quelle est la différence entre
C'est longue/ Elle est longue.
(La liste est longue)
Maintenant or désormais? Also I keep making a mistake with prepositions please let me know I put “couvert de la sueur”.
"Nous _____ monter au troisième étage," is translated as We ___ go up to the third floor [US: second floor],
But, I think you meant to translate it as [US: fourth floor]
this lesson syes apres que plus indicative; but next lesson states apres que plus future anterior- is it just guessing from sense of the sentence?
Just an F.Y.I.:
The exercise is missing the audio, " vous prenez la rue en face." during the dictation. I clicked the button several times, but there was no sound.
I got the following question wrong because I didn't know what 'South America' was in French. Clicking on the 'Learn and Discuss' button lead me to this lesson, where South America is not mentioned. In fact, the 2 links presented in this lesson for learning more also don't contain a list of continents. It's only in the 2nd link of this lesson (En/au/aux = In/to with countries and continents (French Prepositions)), that it mentions South America in an example, rather than as part of the main lesson. Perhaps this lesson should contain a list of continents if it's going to be linked to by the below question:
________ est un vaste continent. South America is a vast continent.Find your French level for FREE
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