Le cas de non-accord ?Bonjour Kwiziq Team,
I completed a question on your website: Aurélie ________ avec sa soeur.
I was trying to decide if it should be "s'est disputée" or "s'est disputé". I thought it would've been the former, since Aurélie is a girl. But I remembered stumbling upon an article about Le cas de non-accord which said:
Le participe passé ne s'accorde pas lorsque le C.O.D. suit le verbe.
Exemples :
- Ils se sont lavé les mains. (COD "les mains" placé après le verbe)
- Ils se sont écrit des lettres. (COD "des lettres" placé après le verbe)
- Ils se sont réparti tous les billets. (COD "tous les billets" placé après le verbe)
Hence, I selected "s'est disputé"" which turned out to be the wrong answer. Can someone explain why? Is it because "sa soeur" is not a C.O.D. and if so, why not?
Thanks very much for all you do!
Could you please explain why the sentence « Alors, reste avec nous et sois notre soeur. »* appears to be using the subjunctive form of être if there is no "que" before it. It makes sense that "stay with us" is in the imperative and "be our sister" is subjunctive in that it is a desire/hope/want. Is this just a special case or have I misunderstood the grammar?
*Quote from a traditional fairytale.
In example question 1 of this lesson, you say: "Croyez-vous qu’il arrive bientôt ? Oui, ... crois." (Do you believe he'll get there soon? Yes, I believe so.)
Doesn't "Croyez-vous qu’il arrive bientôt?" mean "Do you think it's coming soon?".
Shouldn't it be "Croyez-vous qu'il y arrivera bientôt?"
In the case of "She's not joking. She's saying it seriously.", what is "it"? Where is the idea that "it" is replacing? "She's saying she's not joking seriously"? Or is it "She's saying it's not a joke, seriously"?
I understand that I have to use "le" here as the lesson is about replacing an idea, but the idea seems so disconnected that I can't nail down what "le" represents, or why "en" would not be just as valid.
While I got this sentence right, I wonder what the exact English translation is of "des vacances en amoureux"? Is this the same as "lune de miel" ?
Merci !
Bonjour - Can someone explain the grammaire for "je vois l'architecte arriver"? Why is "arriver" an infinitive? Merci!
Bonjour Kwiziq Team,
I completed a question on your website: Aurélie ________ avec sa soeur.
I was trying to decide if it should be "s'est disputée" or "s'est disputé". I thought it would've been the former, since Aurélie is a girl. But I remembered stumbling upon an article about Le cas de non-accord which said:
Le participe passé ne s'accorde pas lorsque le C.O.D. suit le verbe.
Exemples :
- Ils se sont lavé les mains. (COD "les mains" placé après le verbe)
- Ils se sont écrit des lettres. (COD "des lettres" placé après le verbe)
- Ils se sont réparti tous les billets. (COD "tous les billets" placé après le verbe)
Hence, I selected "s'est disputé"" which turned out to be the wrong answer. Can someone explain why? Is it because "sa soeur" is not a C.O.D. and if so, why not?
Thanks very much for all you do!
One of the hardest ones yet! It showed me that I am clearly not ready for a French aerobics class yet, so at least there's that, haha!
Why not just "jusqu'août"? What does the 'en" bring that is not already there? Thanks.
I understand the news casters on TV24 but I am having a difficult time understanding the extremely fast speakers on your B1 exercise, even though I am looking at the printed exercise while I listen to the recording. Is it possible for you to use speakers who are more articulate?
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