Il s'en occupe tout de suite. And "en" can replace de + phraseIn the lesson we are told "en" cannot replace people.
In the test, the phrase "Il s'en occupe tout de suite." is given. The correct responses indicated are:
He takes care of it right away. (I understand this is correct since it doesn't not refer to people.)
He takes care of them right away. ( I thought the lesson explained "en" can't refer to people, therefore,
following the lesson, I would think this would be, "Il s'occupe d'eux tout de suite.)
The sentence, "He takes care of him right way." is indicated as incorrect (I would think this would be Il s'occupe de lui tout de suite.)
What am I missing?
Why is it necessary to add "du matin" to "cinq heures trente" . Isn't it understood that it's 24 hour time, and it's therefore, AM?
Hi, I completed this sentence with 'n'est-ce pas' but it was marked incorrect. I'm confused. The correct answer given was 'n'est pas': I checked the attached lesson (to understand why my answer was incorrect) but I still I don't see why.
Elodie est très bonne actrice, ________ ?
I have a question about conjugating the verb in the sentence when you have two subject pronouns.
The sentence is below
Je doute que vous comprendre______ l'importance de cet evenement.
Do you use the pronoun that's closest to the verb? Because the answer is
Je doute que vous comprendriez l'importance de cet événement.
Thank you for help
In the lesson we are told "en" cannot replace people.
In the test, the phrase "Il s'en occupe tout de suite." is given. The correct responses indicated are:
He takes care of it right away. (I understand this is correct since it doesn't not refer to people.)
He takes care of them right away. ( I thought the lesson explained "en" can't refer to people, therefore,
following the lesson, I would think this would be, "Il s'occupe d'eux tout de suite.)
The sentence, "He takes care of him right way." is indicated as incorrect (I would think this would be Il s'occupe de lui tout de suite.)
What am I missing?
Can you explain why, in the sentence "quand j'ai envie de viande", we do not have a future tense after quand? Thank you.
Pourquoi, au paragraphe 4, ligne 2, utilisez le subjonctif..... "qu'ils puissent" ?
Je vous remercie.
Il y a des petites rues, et de jolies maisons blanches.
Hi, I saw the sentence above in a book.
Why it's not de petites rues ?!
I thought when we have an adjective that comes before a noun, we should use de ! like de jolies maisons
Help please.
Dear team
I was wondering if I could use "en plaçant or mettant" instead of "en posant" .
Perhaps "en posant" is used in a physical sense ?
Thank you again for all your help !
(1) Why is "de" used in the clause "nous n'avions pas d'autre choix que de succomber à" before "succomber"? When is it used this way?
(2) Is it permissible to write "nous devions aller visiter" instead of "il fallait que nous allions visiter" in this context? When must one or the other be used?
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