French language Q&A Forum
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Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,020 questions • 30,343 answers • 879,028 learners
Is the following sentence correct?
Je ne comprends rien.
Sounds strange to me.
why don't you add more things like why don't you try to make levels and awards and you can earn things and play french games.
please think of that.
Please can you explain whether this still applicable when you are using conditional phrasing. Instead of:
Je ne prétends pas que ce soit comme ça partout.
I don't claim it's like that everywhere
How would you say: I don't claim that it would be like that everywhere
Does that still use the subjunctive?
Thank you.
Hi there,
I realize the rule is stated towards the beginning of the lesson, but I think an example would be very useful there, contrasting the use of aimer qqch meaning to love something with aimer qqch meaning to like something.
Elle aime sa nouvelle veste -- she loves her new jacket
Il aime son nouveau manteau -- he likes his new coat
As a side note, I really appreciate the distinction of change in meaning when the construction is interrogative :)
In the sentence: "We brushed our hair", should we write "Nous nous sommes brossé les cheveux" or "Nous nous sommes brossés les cheveux", please? Thank you.
This is more of a comment than a question. My problem is that in terms of the grammar, I know all the concepts and have achieved 90% in my progress reports. I only achieved 50% for this because of the speed and liaison/elision of the speaker. For example "moins le quart" sounded to me like moinsquart. I did not pick up the "le". Another example "Le taxi arrivera vers six heures et demie", I didn't hear "vers" at all, so substituted "à" for it to make sense. I need B1 to be successful in an application for citizenship. Phew!! I've got a long way to go.
Please can you explain the ending of the word "partir" for me in this instance? I put "is" and it was incorrect,
many thanks, Marie
In translating "Before we moved to the city when I was 13," I used the past subjunctive, "Avant que nous n'ayons emménagé...". However, you used the present subjunctive, "n'emménagions". Why is that?
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