French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,018 questions • 30,336 answers • 877,997 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,018 questions • 30,336 answers • 877,997 learners
It's very hard to spot this difference when it isn't mentioned in any of the lessons.
For the question 'In spite of herself Katia started to hope' I used 'en dépit d'elle'. This was marked wrong and malgré given as the correct answer. What am I missing here? The lesson says that you can use either.
les chauves-souris jouent à cache-cache.
Why there is no article before cache-cache, like 'Je joue au tennis' and 'Je joue au jeu de société'.
Hi, I learned the Est-ce que was a formal way of asking a question. So I thought the verb then would also need an inversion, like: Est-ce que avez-vous une voiture?
When do you use the verb inversion? (I heard actually the inversion is almost not used anymore in normal day France)
can I use "on" instead of for passive sentences
for example
on a donné de l'argent ( money was given to us)
I wish your helps
It is worth noting that the verb "voir" and verbs ending in -cevoir do not follow the same irregular pattern.
What is the meaning of the ‘t’ in the phrase ‘ouvre-t-on’?
Pls is "assez" still serving as adverbe in a sentence where 'être' is used. - "Ma Ville est assez banale". Qu'est-ce que cela veut dire, s'il vous plaît?
Why is it “de la pâté à modeler” and not “des pâté à modeler”?
Could the translation for "...sans ostracisme..." be "without exclusion"?
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