French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,914 questions • 29,998 answers • 860,955 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,914 questions • 29,998 answers • 860,955 learners
Quand on peut utiliser "des" devant une chose plurielle et quand on doit utiliser "les"?
I was doing an exercise about what in subject, the phrase was: Jacques est descendu du haricot magique". I translated it as "Jack climbed down the magic beanstalk" and the system told me that the correct answer was "Jack got off the magic beanstalk". Why?
Il n'y a pas d'audio pour la phrase "Nous avons aussi décidé de travailler moins" !
Au lieu de ”...j’ai commencé à manger plus sainement”, est-ce que je peux dire ”...j’ai commencé à manger de manière (ou façon) plus saine.” ?
usually we say : Je fais du vélo OR Je roule en vélo?
Il faut que... tu réfléchisses à ce que cette amitié t'apporte réellement.
Pourquoi le subjonctif ici?
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Pense à tout ce qui fait du bien et détend-toi: dans ce phrase qui est le fonction de "du"?
Would décéler also work instead of identifier?
I translated this as 'des activités pédagogiques ' but it was not given as an option. Is pédagogiques incorrect?
The following quoted material appears at:
All in the past vs Relevance to presentImparfait describes something that is entirely in the past.
Il voulait toujours être médecin. He always wanted (used to want) to be a doctor.J’y mangeais souvent. I often ate there / I used to eat there often (but never again).Passé composé explains something that started in the past and continues today.
Il a toujours voulu être médecin. He has always wanted to be a doctor.J’y ai souvent mangé. I have often eaten there (and might again).Are you sure you don't have this in reverse? It seems like the passé composé would be used for the finished actions in the quote above.
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