French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,019 questions • 30,337 answers • 878,185 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,019 questions • 30,337 answers • 878,185 learners
How to contugate intelligent with nous in french
I know I can use "imparfait" for saying used to
But Can I say that
Je sais qu'il jouait au football= I know that you were playing football
does it work for pas continuos form?
I wish your helps.thanks...
he knew that : "I was playing football" =direct speech
he knew that I had been playing football=indirect speech
he knew that "I used to play football" = direct speech
he knew that I used to play football=indirect speech
How can I create "indirect speech" for these sentences
will you please help me? Thank you
In the topic above, English translation is not working for the first 3 paras.
Please do the needful.
I think i heard more words in this sentence- please clarify.
Quel age tu as? is this right sentence?
As I understand the lesson, faire du/de la is used for habitual activities and joue à is used for ongoing or current activities. Is this wrong?
If not, how come "Elle joue à la natation." is wrong for "She goes swimming"?
The lesson has "Tu fais de la natation" as an example where it means the person does this habitually/in a club or something. So wouldn't "Elle fait de la natation" mean "She swims", "She's in a swimming club" or something, i.e. that she swims habitually?
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