French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,012 questions • 30,320 answers • 876,842 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,012 questions • 30,320 answers • 876,842 learners
«Certaines d’entre elles ne comprenaient pas»
why we use l'imparfait instead of lle passé composé?
doesn't belle-mère and beau-père also mean mother-in-law and father-in-law? I've never heard of them being the step-parents
I just tried twice to complete a test on lui & leur. All the alternatives in the drop-down list appeared in English, not French. What's going on? The corrections were all in French!!
The monster revealed sharp white canines. I had to guess, wrong, since I had no idea nor could I find it anywhere online whether canines is masc or fem. What’s a good source for checking word gender when it’s not obvious? The lesson doesn’t address this of course. Thanks.
A quick question regarding this sentence, Je n'avais pas L'habitude de prendre le train." My answer was "I don't usually take the train." Like saying that I usually drive so I don't usually take the train." The correct answer was "I didn't usually take the train." That just sounds wrong to my ears. Could it be a typo and should have read "I didn't used to take the train." If not can you please explain the latter sentence. Perhaps with an example of two for context.
I had to resort to my dictionary as this was not clear which type of mould was meant.
A shape as opposed to a fungus as in going mouldy.
hi room, experts
Please explain translation 'And although the majority among us thought they had no ideas' - ''Et bien que la majorité d'entre nous pense n'avoir aucune idée',
Two aspect are confusing me about this translation:
1) Why is the French written in present tense whereas the english is in the past
2) What happened to the translation of 'They'? in the French translation I cannot see that the word 'They' has been translated?
Hello. My very first question on the forum. In fact I have a question on the use of "des" rather than marcher, but the guidance on the question led me here. I am not clear why it is not "les" danseurs being a generic dancer? Probably some grammar rule that I have missed along the way, but if someone could point me in the right direction I will do my homework!
In my quiz I have a question:
Which of the following are correct?
la sœur
le écharpe
And this lesson is mentioned as "explain this". Whilst the lesson really explains usage of le / la, in this case it does not make any sense because I previous lessons did not have either of those four words, so a student just doesn't know what those words mean.
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