French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,915 questions • 29,996 answers • 860,805 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,915 questions • 29,996 answers • 860,805 learners
In the exercise “La Super Chambre de ma Fille”, I filled the blank in the following sentence with the word “affiches” for “posters” but it marked my answer as Incorrect and said I should have used the word “posters”. Doesn’t “affiches” also mean posters?
elle a accroché des affiches des Avengers
Is that wrong? Perhaps you can't have two infinitives together? I thought faire des was the way to express going shopping.
Are there any more examples you could give us? I used the direct object le with the apostrophe and it was marked wrong. How can we tell what word should be accented? Is ça always correct as opposed to le, la? In other words, are there certain times when the direct object must be before the verb or certain times when it has to be after the verb? Thank you.
What is that into the box?
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