French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,798 questions • 29,676 answers • 848,171 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,798 questions • 29,676 answers • 848,171 learners
Hi, what triggers the use of the subjunctive “corresponde” in “Avant ce jour béni où tu es entrée dans ma vie, je n'avais jamais imaginé rencontrer quelqu'un qui me corresponde autant que tu me corresponds.”?
In the exercise, how is "ils" a verb?
In the example sentence "Le meilleur élève parle mieux français que moi." it really sounds to me like parle mieux becomes par lemieux, with the lemieux being very distinct. I've seen that before. Is there a reason for it?
The examples of use of the passive voice use is, will be, would be, was and used to be. Please provide an example of "had been". Is it for example "La souris avait été par le chat"?
Even though I'm in a semi advanced level in this platform, I'm yet to understand your writing exercises. The latest one had two possible answers but in both cases it was marked wrong. For example, pour aller au travail or pour aller travailler. Another was je devais me lever super tôt instead of je devais me réveiller. The meaning of wake up meant to be out of bed instead.
Does not the 2024 Tour de France end in Nice (because of the Olympics in Paris)?
Why wasn't my answer Ou est correct for where is?
Why does “started to cry” use mettre? “ mis a pleurer. Can’t make sense of it
Je suis confus. pourquoi est-ce "la capitale de la France mais "le royaume de France.
When should we use "y" and when should we use là for places
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