French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,020 questions • 30,330 answers • 877,561 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,020 questions • 30,330 answers • 877,561 learners
"chat" is a masculine noun in French, but can I use it to refer to my female cat?
When I'm talking about her, e.g. my cat is going to eat her breakast, do I still say
"Mon chat vas manger son petit-dejeuner?"
What is the best way of talking about my female cat in this context?
Hi, the link to All related grammar and vocab does not work. It takes you to a page that has the following message:
You do not currently have any items bookmarked, add items wherever you see the icon
Hi.I have some question which make me curious
How can I compare different two Nouns,adjectives,adverb and verbs That belong to different subject.
for example
I have more books than You have notebook
I am more beutiful than you are ugly
I eat more than you drink
N'importe qui va pouvoir faire = anyone can do... How would this sentence be completed retaining the original wording?
"Je pense que les gens qui considerent ce jeu puerile..." The speaker, the "gens" and the game are all masculine, so why is puerile in the feminine form? Should it not be pueril?
This is, by far, one of the worst written lesson on this site. It's confusing, too long, and the verbiage used to distinguish between the different meanings are not clear. I hate it when I read a lesson and am more confused afterward than before.
Clearly, I am not alone in this opinion!
From google translate 'Le primeur a des melons magnifiques.' is 'The scoop has magnificent melons'
I have no idea what it is suppose to mean. Translation please.
In a verb fill in the blanks exercise Mes reves de confinement.
..., ce que me permet is the correct answer. Why isn't it permets ?
Is it because of ce?
The correct "City of Lights" translation for Paris in French is La Ville Lumière not La Cité des Lumières! You should fix this.
In this sentence, the word 'chaud' is referring the warm temperature outside, or does it mean spicy? as the words onion and garlic were mentioned preceding this.
Does the word 'chaud' means spicy as well as high in temperature just like in english?
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