French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,942 questions • 30,071 answers • 864,133 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,942 questions • 30,071 answers • 864,133 learners
Why is "it" in this sentence "la" instead of "le:" Tu ne la lui écris pas.
Wow, I just must say that this one in every sentence had idiomatique phrases of which I've never heard, or seen introduced in any of your lessons. I'm not sure of the value of having to make so many guesses on what I'm hearing, since context gives almost no clue with those type of phrases. Isn't the point of these to recognize what you've learned?
In this sentence "Nous sommes décidés" is passé composé right?
If so, why do we use this combination of être and décider?
I don't understand how we can just use être and passé composé like this.
Tu étais en retard ce matin!
Why use PC in the first sentence and then IMP in the second? Why were these tenses used?
Can someone correct this to me, please?
Mon rôle modèle du féminisme est Emma Watson, car elle est une inspirácion. Je pense que ell fait bonne discours et son travail dans la UN est parfait. Elle a été une de las raisons je suis devenu feministée.
Why passé simple is used in sentence instead of le subjonctif
J’a lu aujourd’hui que le Président Trump a dit, « Quand je publierai ma déclaration financière, [...] elle ne prouvera qu’une chose : que je suis beaucoup plus riche que ce que les gens pensaient. » Je ne comprends pas pourquoi on a besoin de ce que dans ce sentence. Merci.
In the audio of the three above words, "le" and "la" are spoken instead of "ma" and "mon", which is what is actually written.
Bonjour! I had always thought that conjugations like "voulons" and "voulez" were pronounced differently before vowels vs. consonants. For example, I thought "vous voulez de l'eau" would be pronounced "vu vu-lay de l'oh" but "vous voulez une glace" would be pronounced "vu vu-laise une glace." Similarly, "nous voulons de l'eau" would be pronounced "nu vu-lohn de l'oh" (not sure how best to represent the french nasal N) but "nous voulons une glace" would be pronounced "nu vu-lonz une glace."
I notice in the pronunciation sound guides above, however, that the endings of the words are not pronounced prior to a vowel.
Am I wrong about pronunciation before vowels or are the sound clips incorrect?
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