French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,942 questions • 30,072 answers • 864,234 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,942 questions • 30,072 answers • 864,234 learners
Pourquoi les mots "jeudi et vendredi" sont-ils pluriels alors que les autres jours sont singuliers (le lundi, le mardi, le mercredi)? All of the activities seems to be habitual ones that occur on that day of the week -- even the ones on Thursdays and Friday
In the first two examples ("il y a du brouillard" and "il y a de l'orage"), the audio version is different than the written version. Are both the written and audio versions correct and if not, which versions are correct?
In comparing these three sentences, I notice that the verbs have similar translations (is/are getting or becoming):
Ses relations avec elle vont de mal en pis
Ma mémoire est de pire en pire
Les ordinateurs deviennent de mieux en mieux
Can these three verbs be used interchangeably with these expressions to mean is getting/going/becoming worse or better? Or is there a distinction to be made?
Thanks for your help!
Hi, should the translation “Elsa doesn't know this answer yet.” actually be “ Elsa doesn't know the answer yet.”, because of the presence of “la réponse” as opposed to “cette réponse”?
I am confused. Why is "à Lille" understood for the first clause but included in the second clause.
Le premier train part à sept heures moins le quart, et il arrive à Lille à huit heures.
The first train to Lille leaves at quarter to seven, and it arrives in Lille at eight.
I was taking a test and I saw the following statement:
"une fillette belle comme une fleur"
I tought it is wrong but it was marked as correct. Shouldn't "belle" come before "fillette"? like this sentecne?
"une belle fillette comme une fleur"
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