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Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,732 questions • 29,415 answers • 837,045 learners
Ma Larousse dit que échelle est féminine.
Can 'saisir' be used in this instance. It wasn't given as an option.
Le mot « marin » dans cette dictée sonnait comme « mar ».
Could you also say “Ma mère devrait arriver bientôt” instead of “ma mère…d’ici peu”
I suspect the prepositions in this lesson don’t mean the same in US and British English.
As a Brit, I wouldn’t say either stop by or pop by somewhere. Pass by and go past mean the same as each other and don’t imply you stopped or went inside: for that, I’d use "go", "pop" or "drop" "into" or "in to" or another construction like "I went to see Laurent at his house".
So I’m not clear if "Elle est passée chez Laurent" means she went in to see him or went past his house without stopping?
(Setting aside the usage of "place", as in "Laurent’s place")
Why do you need ‘Comment’ when Savoir means to know how to do something?
Why isn't it "Les parents n'avaient pas cessé de râler et de se disputer"?
Normally it wouldn't bother me, but in this context, you should probably correct it "subtractions"
I see above that bleu canard ´ is translated as ´peacock blue’ Should this not be duck blué´Paon is peacock I thought. Am I wrong?
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