French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,020 questions • 30,328 answers • 877,421 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,020 questions • 30,328 answers • 877,421 learners
je ne suis pas tout à fait d’accord avec le contenu de cette chanson même si elle joue bien de la guitarre et possède une jolie voix
Is there any way that I can track my progress, because I really want to move up to B2, but I don't know how close I am, so is there a way to track progress towards a certain level?
Does it work ?? is it true in both ways?
ne me donne pas
ne donne pas à moi?
thank you so much for your help
Am I right in thinking that once you have reached 100% at a level, you can continue practicing with the tests to improve beyond 100%? Is that better than moving onto the next level, which in my case would be C1
If I were to say: I come from England, would it be
je viens d'Anglaterre
In which case, I would use 'de' instead of 'en'
ne le lui donnez pas?
ne me la donnez pas?
why indirect object's place are different in that negatif imperatifs.
İn the first one "lui" is used after "le"
But second one "me" is used after the "ne"
ı wish your helps thanks :)
This sentence in the english translation doesn't sound right to me. The inclusion of the words "and that" aren't needed.
Though you might have never heard her name before, Olympe de Gouges played an essential part in the women's right struggle, and that long before the term "feminist" made an appearance.Why do we say La France? It is a country that has feminine gender....
Il parle rarement mais il ________ tous les matins.
a) parle a moi
b) me parle
What is the difference? I choised A but answer is B.
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