Weekend workout: French writing and listening challenges for Friday 17th of August 2018 - At home

Thanks for being a Premium Progress with Lawless French subscriber. It's time for your Weekend Workout with a mix of writing challenges and dictées! We love getting your feedback so please do get in touch about both the functionality and content - what's good, what's bad, what could be better?

This week's theme is At home - here are the writing challenges:


Level B1: My new flat [US: apartment]

Level C1: In the bathroom

And here are the dictées:

Level A1: Ma maison

Level A2: Un dîner agité

Level B2: Les corvées du weekend

Note: You can retake these exercises via the link on the final scoring page. 

These tests are self-scoring, so after you translate or transcribe each phrase in turn, you'll be shown the correct French to compare to yours so that you can give yourself a score.

After each question, you'll find links to lessons on the grammar covered so you can easily add tricky ones to your own Notebook.

In these writing exercises, Kwizbot offers corrections for each phrase, to help you pinpoint your mistakes as you self-score.



